var showPopCookie = 1; var showPop=1; var setFAC=0; var isIE4 = document.all? true : false; var isIE6 = document.getElementById && document.all ? true : false; var isNS4 = document.layers? true : false; var isNS6 = document.getElementById && !document.all ? true : false; function getDOMObject (documentID) { if (isIE4) { return document.all[documentID]; } else if(isIE6) { return document.getElementById(documentID); } else if (isNS4) { return document.layers[documentID]; } else if (isNS6) { return document.getElementById(documentID); } } function clearSearchText(SrchObj) { SrchObj.value = "";; } function replaceString(string,text,by) { var strLength = string.length, txtLength = text.length; if ((strLength == 0) || (txtLength == 0)) return string; var i = string.indexOf(text); if ((!i) && (text != string.substring(0,txtLength))) return string; if (i == -1) return string; var newstr = string.substring(0,i) + by; if (i+txtLength < strLength) newstr += replaceString(string.substring(i+txtLength,strLength),text,by); 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location.href = strUrl; return true; } function getDate() { var arrDay=new Array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday") var arrMonth=new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December") var objDate=new Date() var intYear=objDate.getYear() if (intYear < 1000) { intYear+=1900 } var intDay=objDate.getDay() var intMonth=objDate.getMonth() var intDayMonth=objDate.getDate() if (intDayMonth<10) intDayMonth="0"+intDayMonth var strCurrerntDate=arrDay[intDay]+", "+arrMonth[intMonth]+" "+intDayMonth+", "+intYear document.write(strCurrerntDate) } function myPop(strPopupUrl, intShowToolbar) { var d = new Date(); pundername = 'newpop'+d.getTime(); if( intShowToolbar == 0) { newpop =, pundername, 'directories=0,menubar=0,width='+screen.width+',height='+screen.height); } else if ( intShowToolbar == 1 ) { newpop =, pundername, "status=1, location=1, toolbar=1,directories=1, top=0, left=0, resizable=1, scrollbars=1, width="+screen.width+",height="+screen.height+",menubar=1"); 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var intStringLength; if(strValue == '') { return (false); } intStringLength = strValue.length; for(intCur = 0; intCur < intStringLength; intCur++) { blnUTF = true; chrValue = strValue.charAt (intCur); var intAscii; for (intAscii = 0; intAscii < 128; ++ intAscii) { var strAscii = intAscii.toString (16); if (strAscii.length == 1) strAscii = "0" + strAscii; strAscii = "%" + strAscii; strAscii = unescape (strAscii); if (strAscii == chrValue) { blnUTF=false; break; } } if(blnUTF == true) { break; } } return blnUTF; } function checkValidURLChars (strValue) { var blnReturn; var intStringLength; if(strValue == '') { return (false); } if( strValue.match(/[#&]/) ) { return ( true ); } intStringLength = strValue.length; for(intCur = 0; intCur < intStringLength; intCur++) { blnReturn = true; chrValue = strValue.charAt (intCur); var intAscii; for (intAscii = 0; intAscii < 128; ++ intAscii) { var strAscii = intAscii.toString (16); if (strAscii.length == 1) strAscii = "0" + strAscii; strAscii = "%" + strAscii; strAscii = unescape (strAscii); if (strAscii == chrValue) { blnReturn=false; break; } } if(blnReturn == true) { break; } } return blnReturn; } function getEscapedString (strValue) { var blnUTF; var intStringLength; var strReturnValue; strReturnValue = ''; if(strValue == '') { return (strValue); } intStringLength = strValue.length; for(intCur = 0; intCur < intStringLength; intCur++) { blnUTF = true; chrValue = strValue.charAt (intCur); var intAscii; for (intAscii = 0; intAscii < 128; ++ intAscii) { var strAscii = intAscii.toString (16); if (strAscii.length == 1) strAscii = "0" + strAscii; strAscii = "%" + strAscii; strAscii = unescape (strAscii); if (strAscii == chrValue) { blnUTF=false; break; } } if(blnUTF == true) { strReturnValue = strReturnValue+chrValue; } else { if(chrValue == " ") { chrValue = "_"; } strReturnValue = strReturnValue+escape(chrValue); } } return strReturnValue; } if (!isIE4) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE) var mX=0,mY=0,br_data=false; document.onmousemove = mPos; 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} return this.browserdata; } this.getMousePositionData = function(){ return this.fd + mX + this.fd + mY; } this.getSearchBoxRelatedData = function(){ return this.getURLBrowserData()+this.getMousePositionData(); } }; function confirmToOptOut() { optOut=confirm('You will not be able to see any ads or websearches.'); if(optOut) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime()+(365*24*60*60*1000)); var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString(); document.cookie = "ootk=1"+expires+"; path=/"; window.location.reload(); } }